I have officially hit the 37 week mark of my pregnancy so, it’s officially time to start packing our hospital bags! Both Scott and I packed last night after we put the boys to bed and I wanted to share a quick list of the items I am bringing in case you find yourself in the same boat soon! Quick reminder that I do have a post about our baby must have products (I actually wrote this before I had Oliver, so it’s a bit old- but *most* of it is still accurate) and my postpartum/nursing must haves if you want to check those out!
With my first pregnancy, I definitely felt like I overpacked (everyone says the hospital has everything, truly they do!), so when I had Oliver I definitely brought less- and will be doing the same this time. Below, I included a little checklist of everything I am packing!
Hospital Checklist: Baby
When packing for baby, I mainly just bring outfits. I love these gowns, swaddles, and hats, so I will be bringing a couple options. Baby boy will likely be in these gowns most of the time and then I will switch to more of a romper/onesie style for the car ride home (knotted gowns don’t really work with a car seat). I love these rompers– the bamboo fabric is incredibly soft on a newborn’s sensitive skin and the double zipper means you have quick/easy access for diaper changes! The hospital literally has everything for baby- diapers, wipes, etc. Really the only thing you need to think of is if there are particular outfits you want your baby to wear and if there are any particular photos you want to take (one with name sign, etc).
- Blanket/swaddles
- A few newborn + 0-3 month size onesies/rompers (typically you don’t know how big baby will be, so options are good!)
- Going home look (make sure can wear in carseat, no gowns)
- Pacifier if you prefer
- Accessories: socks, mittens, hats, bows
- Name sign
- Canvas footprint
- Carseat
Hospital Checklist: Mom
For mom, COMFORT is key- birthing a child is such a beautiful experience, but it definitely can take its toll depending on your delivery. Personally, I don’t love being at the hospital…I am such a creature of habit and definitely prefer my own space, bed, shower, etc. After delivering both the boys I couldn’t wait to go home and snuggle in our bed! If there are particular items that make you feel comfortable and more at home- a blanket, pillow, essential oils, sound machine, etc- bring them!
Also, all of us are different and some women prefer to put makeup on while others prefer being bare faced- truly, its whatever makes you feel good! With Gray and Oliver, I went into spontaneous labor during the day and already had makeup on. Both resulted in pretty quick deliveries via c-sections, so it wasn’t like I was in active labor for an extended period of time- no pushing, sweating, or straining. I remember getting messages from women asking why I had on makeup, etc and to be honest I thought it was weird- who cares if I have on makeup? That’s my personal preference and basically how I have lived my life since my parents allowed me to wear it haha. Bottom line- do whatever makes you feel comfortable- and don’t shame other women if they are different from you 🙂
- Button down pajamas, preferably black; bringing this set (just thought the print was fun and they are SO soft!) and this set – *side note: I love Tommy John pajamas and loungewear! If you’re looking for a great postpartum gift for a friend you can’t go wrong with one of their sets! So luxurious!
- Robe, also like this one that’s a bit more thick/fluffy
- Socks
- Slippers, flip flops if you want to wear in shower
- Nursing bras if you plan to breastfeed
- 2-3 loungewear looks- I prefer shorts/joggers with nursing-friendly tops. Some of my fave places to shop for loungewear include Aerie, Tommy John, Free People, and Amazon
- Going home look if you prefer – honestly, I will likely wear a dress like this (ALEXA20 works for 20% off) or a loungewear look with sandals or sneakers
- Pillow and blanket from home
- Travel mirror: I would get ready from the bed and this mirror made it so much easier!
- Toiletries (skincare, makeup, dry shampoo)
- Nipple cream if breastfeeding
- Always Discreet Underwear – the nurses will put you in mesh underwear with a very large maxi pad to help with bleeding after delivery. I found this to be very bulky and uncomfortable, so I switched to these Always Discreet and liked them so much more.
- Reusable water bottle – you will be thirsty! Hospital will also give you a large jug if you just want to use that.
- Lip balm
- Silk sleep mask: both Scott and I are bringing a sleep mask in case we want to nap during the day
The hospital has everything you need for postpartum recovery- vaginal or c-section. The nurses are literal angels and will walk you through everything + give you lots of advice and tips!
Here are some of the loungewear looks I will be bringing with me + things I ordered to wear postpartum at home:
Hospital Checklist: Dad
Scott is typically on his own when it comes to packing. He is planning on bringing:
- Casual daytime/loungewear outfits
- Sneakers
- Pajamas
- Pillow and blanket if he wants them from home
- Toiletries
- Phone charger
- Laptop
Hospital Checklist: Miscellaneous
- Extra long phone charger or portable charger – you’ll want to be able to charge your phone while sitting in the hospital bed
- Laptop – labor can last a while, so definitely bring something to keep yourself entertained (tv, movies, etc)
- Mom’s insurance card
- Folder, pen, paper – you’ll receive A LOT of information while you are there from billing, lactation, nurses, birth certificate people, etc.
- Portable fan – hot flashes are real!
- Nightlight – used this during nighttime feeds, much better than turning on the bright overhead light. Nurses and other staff will also come in during the night, so we liked using this subtle light instead of them turning on the fluorescent bright lights.
- Sound machine – hospitals can be loud, so this helps to drown out the sound
- Bath towel, washcloth – hospital does provide, but generally not the softest or best quality
- Nursing Baskets – I put together little goody baskets for the nurses to say ‘thank you!’
- Snacks – if there is a particular snack you can’t live without!
I hope this helps any of you who may be packing for the hospital soon! I always think its nice to see what other people bring because sometimes it helps you think of things that you may have forgotten! This is a pretty straight forward list, but like I said above…if there is something that makes you feel comfortable and more at home BRING IT. You want your immediate postpartum experience to be a good one and I believe comfort is key. I am praying for all of your who may be expecting and wishing you the best delivery and postpartum experience. You are all incredible, strong, powerful women!
As always, thank you for reading and feel free to forward this post to any of your friends who may be expecting 🙂 -A